Article I Section 1
What It Means
Quite simply put, all this means is that a Congress which was to be created (and has now existed for a couple of centuries) has:
Two bodies
- A House of Representatives
- A Senate
- All powers to create laws
Simple, right? Even though I couldn't find any cases where this has been broken, you guys can feel free to discuss cases in the comments section. As a reminder, here's what doesn't violate this:
- Any Court ruling that simply interprets what the Constitution says, and doesn't go beyond this (example: Roe v. Wade. Despite at first appearing to violate this in 3. a-c, Roe v. Wade simply attempts to make it easier for the court to decide in the future)
- Executive orders taking no legislative action outside the executive branch, as the president has the power to order his employees around. (I'm certain there's been some. I just couldn't find any, as I was a bit crunched for time when writing this.
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